Brown Basmati Rice Instant Pot Recipe (2024)

Have you ever tried brown basmati rice? It’s a long-grain rice that’s aromatic, nutty and a little chewy. It’s delicious and so easy to make in an Instant Pot.

Brown Basmati Rice Instant Pot Recipe (1)

Instant Pot Basmati Brown Rice

I love the flavor and texture of brown basmati rice, but I’ll be honest I rarely make it. That’s because it takes about an hour to cook on the stovetop and honestly who has that kind of time to cook a side dish? But what if we could make brown rice in about half the time without having to babysit a pot on the stove? Yeah, that changes things. Enter: the Instant Pot. Now, we can all enjoy aromatic, nutty, and chewy brown rice way more often.

Soon after I shared my recipe for Perfect Instant Pot Basmati Rice, I started getting questions from readers asking me how to make brown basmati rice in an Instant Pot. Well, here I am ready to answer your brown basmati rice questions!

“I’ve always struggled making rice in my Instant Pot. Your recipe turned out perfectly and amazed my wife that I had suddenly become so proficient! Looking forward to trying more of your recipes, thank you!”


Basmati Brown Rice Pressure Cooker Ingredients

  • Brown Basmati Rice: you can use any brand you’d like. I typically use this brand which I get from my local Whole Foods.
  • Oil: you can use whatever oil you’d like. I typically use avocado oil in my recipes because it’s a neutral oil without flavor.
  • Water
  • Salt

How to Make Instant Pot Brown Basmati Rice

You can find the step-by-step instructions in my recipe card below but here’s a quick breakdown: I first soak the rice in cold water, which helps to soften the grains a bit and I find this prevents them from breaking. Then I heat the pot, add oil and swirl it around to help prevent the rice from sticking to the pot. After that, add rice, water, and salt and mix well, then pressure cook. When it’s done, fluff with a fork. That’s it!

What is the Difference Between White and Brown Basmati Rice? Is Brown Rice Healthier than White Rice?

Brown basmati rice is nuttier and also chewier than white basmati rice. Brown basmati rice takes longer to cook and also requires a bit more water in order to get the texture nice and soft.

I can talk about flavor and texture all day but as far as what’s better for your health: brown rice or white rice? The truth is I don’t know. You can find research both for and against both types of rice. Some people consider brown rice to be more nutritious because it’s a whole grain and less processed than white rice. Others consider white rice to be a “safe-starch” and say brown rice is harder to digest. My personal opinion: eat real food that your body can tolerate and enjoy those foods in moderation. Again I’m just a food blogger so take whatever I say with a grain of rice 😉

What about Quick Cooking Brown Basmati Rice?

See the notes in the recipe card for how to cook this type of rice.

Quick-cooking brown basmati rice is rice that has been parboiled or in other words, the grains have been soaked, steamed, and rolled which is why this type of rice cooks faster than traditional brown basmati rice.

I buy organic quick-cooking brown basmati rice from Trader Joe’s, but you can also find it on amazon. I think they are both pretty similar in taste – but I find that the quick cooking rice has somewhat of an after taste (I still buy it because… it’s organic and inexpensive at TJ’s). My husband prefers the traditional brown basmati rice.

Brown Basmati Rice Instant Pot Recipe (2)

What to Serve with Brown Basmati Rice?

You can serve brown basmati rice with anything (obviously), but here are a few suggestions:

  • Butter Chickpeas
  • Dal Makhani
  • Butter Chicken
  • Ground Lamb Curry
  • Kerala Goat Curry

I also have plenty more Indian Instant Pot recipes in my cookbook, Indian Food Under Pressure! If you don’t have it, grab yourself a copy 🙂

Brown Basmati Rice Instant Pot Recipe (3)

Brown Basmati Rice Instant Pot Recipe (4)

Pressure Cooker Brown Rice (Basmati) Recipe

Brown Basmati Rice Instant Pot Recipe (5)

Pressure Cooker Brown Rice (Basmati) Recipe

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  • 1 cup brown basmati rice soaked for 15-30 minutes
  • 1 tablespoon oil of choice
  • 1 ¼ cup water
  • ½ teaspoon salt adjust to taste


  • Soak the basmati rice in cold water for 15-30 minutes. Drain, rinse and set aside.

  • Press the sauté button and allow the pot to heat up for a minute. Then add the oil and swirl it around the pot. This will help ensure that the rice doesn’t stick. Add the rice, water and salt to the pot and mix well.

  • Secure the lid, close the pressure valve and cook for 22 minutes at high pressure (see notes for quick cooking basmati rice).

  • Naturally release pressure for 10 minutes. Open the valve to release any remaining pressure.

  • Fluff the rice with a fork and serve.


  • If you are making “Quick Cooking Brown Basmati Rice” then follow this recipe exactly but adjust the cook time to 6 minutes. You can find this type of rice at Trader Joe’s or on amazon.

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Brown Basmati Rice Instant Pot Recipe (6)

Like this recipe? Then check outmy cookbook: Indian Food Under Pressurefor more Indian Instant Pot Recipes!

Brown Basmati Rice Instant Pot Recipe (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.