How to Make DIY Old Lady Costume - DIY Ideas (2024)

Are you looking for a fun and easy costume idea for your next Halloween party or dress-up event? Look no further than a DIY old lady costume! This costume is easy to put together with items you may already have at home or can easily find at a thrift store. Follow our step-by-step guide below to create the perfect old lady costume.

Step 1: Find the Right Clothing

The key to a successful old lady costume is the clothing. Look for thrift store finds such as a long floral dress, tights, a shawl, and a cardigan sweater. Add some orthopedic shoes and a pair of reading glasses to complete the look. Don’t be afraid to mix and match patterns and styles for an eccentric and unique look.

Step 2: Create a Wig

No old lady costume is complete without a gray or white wig. You can either purchase a wig from a costume store or create your own with household items. Grab some cotton balls, white or gray spray paint, and a hair net. Apply spray paint to the cotton balls and let dry. Attach the cotton balls to the hair net using glue or bobby pins to create a full and fluffy wig.

Step 3: Add Accessories

Accessorize your old lady costume with items such as a strand of pearls, a brooch, and a beige purse. If you have a cane or walker, even better! These accessories will add to the authenticity of the costume.

Step 4: Create Wrinkles and Age Spots

To really sell the old lady look, create wrinkles and age spots on your skin with makeup. Take a brown eyeliner pencil and lightly draw wrinkles around your eyes and mouth. Dab some brown or gray eyeshadow onto areas where you want to create age spots. Use a stippling brush to blend and add dimension to the spots.

Step 5: Practice Your Walk and Mannerisms

Part of the fun of dressing up as an old lady is focusing on the walk and mannerisms. Watch some videos of old ladies and practice shuffling your feet and hunching your back. Speak in a softer, slower voice and add in some cute phrases such as “back in my day” and “oh my stars.”

Step 6: Enjoy the Costume

You have successfully created your DIY old lady costume! Enjoy the reactions from your friends and family and have fun with your new persona.

Diy Tips and Best Practices

  • Don’t be afraid to go over the top with your old lady costume. The more eccentric, the better!
  • Start with what you have at home before heading to the thrift store. You may already have some great pieces for the costume.
  • Create the wig first before putting on your clothing to avoid messing up the wig.
  • Practice your old lady walk and mannerisms before the event so you feel comfortable in the costume.
  • Use a combination of gray and white hairspray for a more realistic wig look.
  • Most importantly, have fun with your costume and embrace the old lady persona!


1. What if I can’t find an old lady dress at the thrift store?

No worries! Look for a long floral skirt and pair it with a blouse or cardigan. Add some tights and orthopedic shoes to complete the look.

2. Can I use a regular wig for my old lady costume?

Yes, you can use a regular wig, but make sure it is gray or white and fluffs up nicely to create a full look.

3. Can I create age spots on my face with foundation?

Yes, you can use a stippling brush with brown or gray eyeshadow to create age spots. Applying foundation may not create the desired effect.

4. What should I do if my old lady costume is uncomfortable?

If the orthopedic shoes are uncomfortable, bring a pair of flats to change into later. You can also remove the wig if it is itchy or bothersome.

5. What are some other old lady phrases I can use for my costume?

Some other cute phrases include “bless your heart,” “I remember when,” and “oh dear.”

6. Can I create a male old man costume with similar steps?

Yes! Use similar steps but add in a fedora, suspenders, and a mustache or beard to complete the look.

7. How can I make my old lady costume stand out from others?

Get creative with the clothing and accessories! Consider adding a feather boa or a funky hat to your costume. Don’t be afraid to mix and match patterns and colors.

How to Make DIY Old Lady Costume - DIY Ideas (2024)


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