Shoe brushes - The ShoeCare-Shop (2024)

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    Gift tip: Shoecare valet with set.
    The perfect shoe care set for you.
    Guide: The best matching colour polish.
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        Pantherella: Socks made in England
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      1. Shoe Care Guides
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        • How To - Royal Shoeshine
        • How To - Repair scratched leather shoes
        • How To - Treat New Shoes
        • How To - Mirror shine
        • How To - Matching shoe cream
        • How To - Treat sneakers
        • How To - Treat suede
        • How To - Maintain your bag
        • How To - Dyeing shoes
        • How To - Colouring Sole edges
        • How To - Shoe trees
        • How To - Stretch your shoes
        • How To - Take care of your soles
        • How To - Cleaning shoes | 4 methods





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          How To - Dye leather
          How To - Use shoe trees
          How To - Mirror Shine
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          Horse hair
          Every shoeshine kit needs a good horse hair brush, you are going to use this brush the most and when you only have one, a brush with horse bristles is a must have. The horse hair brush can be used for delicately cleaning and polishing the shoe. The softer horse hairs provide enough friction to create a shine without removing too much polish which will sometimes happen with the tougher, boar hair brush.

          Boar hair
          The boar hair brush is in general more tough and rough than the bristles of a horse hair brush and is suited for cleaning leather with texture, such as pebble grain leathers and shoes with broguing. The tougher boar hair gets deeper in the leather to remove accumulated polish and dirt. To give your leather shoes a good cleaning this is the ideal brush to have in your shoe shine set.

          Goat hair
          The goat hair brush is mainly used for finishing and is suited for dusting your shoes at the beginning and end of your day. But this brush is also very suitable for treatment of the more delicate and exotic leathers. The brush is strong enough to remove dirt, yet soft enough to not jeopardize the texture of your shine.

          If you need a good cleaning brush the synthetic hair brush will do the job. The tough synthetic hairs make the brush fitting for the rougher cleaning work on for example suede, and it is used to remove stains and shoeshine from the shoe.

          The Crêpe brush is perfect for suede and nubuck products to brush up and make your product nice and clean. The brush is made from soft crêpe (a natural kind of rubber) and makes sure the leather is cleaned and restored properly.

          Remove dirt from your suede and nubuck shoes. The brush is tough enough to be able to remove dirt from your shoes, but soft as well so it doesn't damage the leather.

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            Deluxe set of shoe care brushes, 100% horsehair

            Deluxe set of shoe care brushes, 2 polish applicators and 2 shine brushes


            Sir Beecs Crêpe brush

            Sir Beecs Crêpe brush for suede shoes


            Cleaning brush

            Big cleaning brush ideal for cleaning suede, sneakers and smooth leather


            Military Style Laundry Brush

            Military style laundry brush


            Saphir Shoe Shine Brushes Set, 100% horsehair

            Set of two luxurious oval shine brushes by Saphir


            Saphir Large Shine brush, 100% horsehair

            Light colour shine brush made from 100% horsehair


            Saphir applicator brush, 100% horsehair

            Delicate applicator brush made with 100% horsehair


            Saphir Crêpe brush

            Saphir crèpe brush for suede shoes


            Saphir Pommadier Brush

            Small applicator brush by Saphir, 100% horsehair


            Saphir Big Suede Combination brush

            Brass brush for suede and nubuck by Saphir


            Small cleaning brush

            Cleaning brush ideal for cleaning suede, sneakers and smooth leather


            Brass Suede brush

            Small brass brush for suede


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          Article information

          Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

          Last Updated:

          Views: 6316

          Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

          Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

          Author information

          Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

          Birthday: 2001-07-17

          Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

          Phone: +5934435460663

          Job: Central Hospitality Director

          Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

          Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.